About GoodLifeCredit
"GoodLifeCredit" is a DBA of FBLegal, LLC. GoodLifeCredit employs staff attorneys, Friedman & Brown, LLC, a full service law firm focused on correcting consumer's credit reports by challenging the credit bureaus to delete removable items which include inaccurate, incomplete, unverifiable, misleading, and obsolete information. GLC has been in business since 2003 so you can trust us.
GoodLifeCredit is not a credit repair company that promises unrealistic results and often provides no results. Our plan involves mailing pre-suit litigation letters to the credit bureaus putting them on notice to delete the removable items listed under the FCRA. In fact, Friedman & Brown, and their lawyers are at the leading edge of litigation in the credit reporting field. Currently they are involved in class action lawsuits nationwide involving common mistakes made by credit reporting agencies that other consumer groups had failed to detect. No other credit report repair company has this type of legal firepower on their side.
There are many companies portraying themselves as lawyers attempting credit correction but we are a company that retains a practicing law firm with years of litigation experience which they draw upon to take on the credit bureaus. Trust your credit correction to a company that hires real attorneys experienced in the courtroom and who can back up their letters with litigation and can fully use all applicable laws to enforce your rights. One of our attorney's will always monitor your case from start to finish.
Our goal is simple, to force the credit bureaus to correct consumer credit reports and comply with the FCRA.